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This strategy was developed to teach self-advocacy skills to individuals with disabilities. The goal is to encourage students to develop a sense of self that includes their strengths and weaknesses as well as teaching them to speak on their own behalf to gain access to reasonable accommodations and compensations.

more about Assert

Behavioural Contracting

Behavioural contracting, also called contingency contracts, are used to control behaviour and increase accountability of the client (or the student), and they have also been used to strengthen relationships between teachers and students, teachers and parents, and parents and children.

more about Behavioural Contracting

Building Assets – Reducing Risk (BARR)

A school-wide intervention program designed to help students successfully navigate the Grade 8 to Grade 9 school transition and promote developmental health and well being.

more about BARR


A program designed to help teachers enable children and adolescents with learning disabilities to acquire knowledge and skills that are critical for becoming self-determined adults. It aims to induce a high level of self-determination which generates positive effects that can continue into adulthood.

more about ChoiceMaker

Circle of Friends

An educational approach for isolated children and adolescents who demonstrate deficits in social skills that focuses on establishing a friendship group for them in their school environment. It attempts to foster the peer group’s acceptance and therefore promoting intrinsic changes within these children.

more about Circle of Friends

Classwide Peer Tutoring

This program is an instructional strategy that was designed to improve academic performance of students in grade 1 to 6 in basic skill subjects by increasing academic engaged time. It is an effective teaching method for most general education students. Specific benefits have been shown for children with learning disabilities and children with ADHD.

more about Classwide Peer Tutoring

Connecting With Others: Lessons for Teaching Social and Emotional Competence

The objective of this program is to help children in grades Kindergarten through 12 develop emotionally and socially by teaching systematic social skills within the school system.

more about Connecting With Others

Co-operative Learning

A grouping strategy for students at all levels that fosters a collaborative rather than a competitive or individualistic environment. Group learning builds on student’s strengths. It allows for social interaction while developing problem solving and consultation skills.

more about Co-operative Learning

Daily Behaviour Report Cards

Daily Behaviour Report Cards, also known as daily report cards, or home-notes, are used to modify behaviours and are often also used for monitoring students’ progress.

more about Daily Behaviour Report Cards

Dina Dinosaur Program

An intervention for children in JK to Grade 3, that was developed to prevent, reduce, and treat conduct problems in young children, as well as increase social competence. Specifically, the DDP teaches social skills, emotional literacy, appropriate conflict management, and positive school behaviours.

more about the Dina Dinosaur Program

Dr. Mel Levine’s Books: Keeping A Head In School & All Kinds of Minds

These books were created to help children with learning disabilities, in grades Kindergarten through 12, develop a sense of self-efficacy. They were written to help children gain insight into their strengths and weaknesses, as well as clarify the problems that they come across in school. Finally, they are designed to engender a realistic sense of ambition in these children.

more about Dr. Mel Levine’s Books

Errorless Compliance Training

This intervention utilizes stimulus fading techniques to obtain child compliance with parental or teacher requests. It is appropriate for children in pre-school through grade 4 as well as older developmentally challenged children.

more about Errorless Compliance Training

Incredible Years

A program designed to help parents of children with behavioural problems, from pre-school age to 6 years of age. The program is based on a social learning model, which emphasizes the significance of the interactions between a parent and child. The IYP program teaches parents how to optimally handle their children’s misbehaviour, and how to model effective problem solving.

more about Incredible Years

The Irvine Paraprofessional Program for Children (IPP) with ADHD

The program combines the use of paraprofessionals, effective classroom management strategies, school based reinforcement and social skills training to improve the behaviours of children with ADHD in regular classrooms.

more about IPP

Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies (PATHS)

A curriculum originally developed for children who are deaf, but now also applied to those with violent tendencies such as conduct disorders, to help children develop social competence and understanding by methodical teaching of emotion processing and articulation.

more about PATHS / channing-bete.com

Peer Tutoring

A grouping strategy that involves pairing students. Paired students assist one another in paired teaching/learning situations which could range from quizzing math facts with a classmate to listening to younger students read.

more about Peer Tutoring

Roots of Empathy

A program for elementary and middle school students, which can be used at classroom or school-wide level, to increase empathy and lead to more respectful and caring relationships, to decrease levels of bullying and aggression, to promote social inclusion and consensus building, and to increase emotional literacy.

more about Roots of Empathy

Second Step

A curriculum for elementary and middle school students designed to teach social and emotional skills for violence prevention through the development of empathy, impulse control, and anger management skills.

more about Second Step

Self-Management Intervention for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

This intervention is a school-based system designed to address the impairment in delayed responding typical of students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in grade 3 to 12, and the associated behavioural difficulties evidenced in the classroom setting.

more about Self-Management Intervention for ADHD

Self-Management Program

This intervention is an alternative to traditional classroom systems of behaviour management. It is a cognitively-based program that teaches students to change and manage their own behaviour.

more about Self-Management Program

Skillstreaming in Early Childhood, the Elementary School Child, the Adolescent: Teaching Prosocial Skills

This program is designed to teach specific prosocial skills, in a developmentally appropriate manner, to children at three age levels.

more about Teaching Prosocial Skills

Social Interaction Intervention

This intervention was designed to teach social skills to young children (pre-school, junior and senior kindergarten) who are either identified as learning disabled or considered to be "at risk". The idea is to actively promote the integration of children in inclusive classroom settings.

more about Social Interaction Intervention

Social Life

A social skills program for students who have learning disabilities and related difficulties. The program is designed to provide a means of teaching children to observe and evaluate social behaviour (their own and others’) and to respond appropriately to their observations.

more about Social Life

The Social Autopsy Approach

This approach is a problem-solving intervention aimed at the examination and inspection of a social error. The purpose is to teach students to understand social cues and social interactions.

more about the Social Autopsy Approach

Social Stories

A strategy which involves children writing desired social outcomes and behaviours in the form of a story, and can be used to teach routines and transitions, academic expectations, and to address social behaviours, fears, obsessions and compulsions.

more about Social Stories

S.S.GRIN (Social Skills Group Intervention Steps To Self Determination (STEPS)

A 10-week group therapy intervention program for children from kindergarten through grade 5 who have significant difficulties with peer relationships and impulse control problems. It is designed to build both children’s general social skills and their social relationships with peers centering self-esteem, respect and responsibility.

more about S.S.GRIN / 3cisd.com

Token Economy

A token economy is used as a behaviour change program and reinforcement procedure for increasing, teaching, reducing and maintaining behaviour while at the same time reinforcing desired behaviours through the use of tokens which can then be exchanged for back-up or highly motivating reinforcers.

more about Token Economy

Video Self Monitoring

Video self-modeling is a procedure that involves observing oneself on videotape engaging in an adaptive behaviour. This type of intervention can be utilized to increase behaviour and academic skills to students with disabilities.

more about Video Self Monitoring

Work Completion Checklist

This is a program for systematically encouraging and providing reinforcement to children for completion of work in school. It is appropriate for children in grades 1 to 6.

more about the Work Completion Checklist